Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Vanilla and raspberry cheesecake

Cheesecake is my favorite cake in the world, so trust me when I say I've made one too many of them. This is one of the best recipes of cheesecake that I've tried, and this one is very quick and easy to make. You can adjust the sweetness of it , I like my cheesecake to be more sour  than sweet, so I always add less sugar than in recipe and it's healthier that way.
Čizkejk je moj omiljeni kolač, tako da sam isprobala previše recepata, a ovaj se izdvojio kao jedan od najboljih. Brzo se pravi, lako je , i nema pečenja. Možete da podesite slatkocu tako što ćete dodati šećer po vašoj želji, ja uvek stavim manje nego što piše u receptu, tada ispadne kiselije, a i zdravije.

You will be needing :
150gr butter
200gr biscuit
100gr oat
1 stick of vanilla
600gr cream cheese
150gr sugar
1 lemon
1 orange
300ml sweet cream
For raspberry topping :
100gr sugar
500gr rasperries
Start by taking 23cm springform and spread small cube of butter on it. Then take biscuit and crash it with rolling pin, as shown on the picture.
 Then put the pan on light fire, oat in the pan , and toast them until they get darker. Put butter and crushed biscuit in. Mix everything slowly until it becomes nicely meshed. Put it away from the fire, place everything in springform and spread it evenly all over. Gently press it with spoon or your hands. And you're done, now put it in the fridge for about 1 hour.
For the filling:
Cut your vanilla stick in half, and peel the inside of it. Put cream cheese in a mixing dish , add vanilla, sugar and lemon and orange crust, and lemon juice. Mix it all together until it becomes nice and smooth. In other dish mix sweet cream. Now add sweet cream to cream cheese mixture and slowly combine those two. Put filling on to the buscuit crust and spread it all over evenly. Move it in the fridge for 2 hours at least. In the meanwhile make raspberry topping. Place rasperries and sugar in a bowl and squish them together.
If you dont like rasberries you can use strawberries, blueberries, cherries, anything you want. 
This cheesecake works every time, crust is nice and crispy, and filling has that vanilla and lemon mixture so it makes perfect balance between sweet and sour.
What is yours favorite cake ?
Until next post,

Biće vam potrebno:
150gr putera
200gr plazme
100gr ovsenih pahuljica
1 štapić vanile
600gr krem sira
150gr šećera
1 limun
1 pomorandža
300ml slatke pavlake
Za toping od malina:
100gr šećera
500gr malina
Premažite okrugli kalup prečnika 23cm kockicom putera. Zatim umotajte keks u sudnu krpu i izmrvite ga oklagijom na sitne komade. Na tihu vatru stavite šerpu, ubacite ovsene pahuljice i tostirajte ih dok ne potamne. Zatim stavite puter  i izmrvljeni keks u šerpu sa pahuljicama. Mešajte dok se ne ujednači. Sklonite sa vatre, stavite smesu u kalup i ravnomerno je rasporedite. Pritiskajte smesu zaobljenim delom kašike ili dlanovima dok ne postane ravna. Stavite u frižider na sat vremena
Za fil:
Presecite uzdužno štapić vanile pa nožem sastruzite semenke. Stavite krem sir u posudu za mikser i dodajte semenke vanile, koru limuna, pomorandže i limunov sok, zatim sve dobro umutite dok ne dobijete glatku smesu. U drugoj posudi umutite slatku pavlaku. Ubacite slatku pavlaku u smesu sa pahuljicama i polako mešajte varjačom. Nanesite fil na koru i rasporedite jednako. Stavite čizkejk u frižider na bar sat vremena.
Za toping, u činiji rukama izgnječite i izmešajte maline i šećer. Prelijte preko kolača.
Koji je vaš omiljeni kolač?
Do sledećeg posta,

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