Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Winter SOS Products

As the cold weather comes along I need to amp up my skin and hair care. In the winter time my hands, hair and lips get so dry, but I've found products that help me keep them nice and moisturized. I've chosen some of my go to products for colder months that do wonders for me. 

Čim dođe hladnije vreme moram da poboljšam svoju negu za kožu i kosu. Tokom zime moje ruke,kosa i usne postanu vrlo suvi, te sam našla ove proizvode koji mi omogućavaju da ih održavam u dobrom stanju. Ovo su neki od mojih omiljenih proizvoda koji mi pomažu da lakše prebrodim zimske mesece.

I know it's winter when I notice my lips start to dry out and chip. I simply can't stand when my hands and lips are dry, so I've tried pretty much everything under the sun and I found this lip balm that beats all the others. My favourite lip balm is Nuxe Reve de Miel. The texture of it is unlike any other lip balm I've tried. It is kind of "sandy" and matt, but sooo moisturizing, light on the lips and it actually stays on for hours. 

My hands also get really dry and I've noticed that no matter what cream I use it won't work as good, if I don't scrub them first. I discovered this L'occitane One Minute Hand Scrub that does wonders. It is actually a mixture of brown sugar and shea, sweet almond and grapeseed oil. You massage it gently onto your hands and get the softest hands in one minute, and it is very good for your cuticles also. You can easily make this scrub at home, just mix one teaspoon of olive oil and brown sugar and you got yourself amazing hand scrub.

As for my hair, I use my holy grail product- Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment, that first of all smells beautiful, makes you hair so soft and shiny, and also makes it more manageable. I love this small packaging, it's great for traveling.

For my body I like this "heavy" L'occitane Pure Shea Butter, that is perfect for dry skin. I don't recommend you to use it all over your body (unless you really need it) because it is very thick and not  easy to apply, but for any dry patches it does wonders.

And finally for my face, I love this Dr. Hauschka Revitalisng Mask, that moisturizes, soothes and refreshens your skin. You can leave it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse it off, but I actually love leaving it on during the night and in the morning you wake up with nice glowing skin.

Those are some of my winter must have SOS care products, any recommendations?
Until next post, xoxo


U ovim hladnijim mesecima, prvo primetim da mi usta postanu vrlo suva, a ne mogu da podnesem suve ruke i usta, te sam probala "sve žive" bazame za usta, dok nisam našla ovaj Nuxe Reve de Miel. Tekstura mu je čudna jer je nekako "debeo" i ostavlja mat izgled. Međutim, ovaj balzam je ubedljivo najbolji koji sam ikada probala, jednostavno revitalizuje usta, svi ispucali delovi nestanu i usta postanu meka i traje dosta dugo. 

Kao i za usta, takođe sam isprobala sve kreme za ruke na koje sam naletela, i primetila sam da nijedna ne radi kako treba dok prvo ne uradim skrab. Pronašla sam ovaj  L'occitane One Minute Hand Scrub koji je odličan i ostavlja ruke mekim za samo jedan minut. Ovaj proizvod je zapravo mešavina 3 vrste ulja i braon šećera, tako da ga vrlo lako možete napraviti kod kuće. Potrebna vam je samo 1 kašika maslinovog ulja i braon šećera. 

Što se tiče kose koristim ovo ulje već godinama i stvarno je jedno od najboljih koje sam koristila. U pitanju je Macadamia Healing Treatment Oil. Ostavlja kosu  sjajnom, mekom i zdravijom. 

Za telo volim L'occitane Pure Shea Butter, koje je odlično za baš suvu kožu, prilično je gusto i teško za razmazivanje, zato je bolje da ga koristite na mestima gde vam je koža dosta suva.

I konačno, za lice koristim Dr. Hauschka Revitalisng Mask, koja revitalizuje, hrani i osvežava kožu. Možete da je držite 15-20 minuta i da je isperete, međutim ja je koristim tako što je ostavim na koži celu noć i ujutru imate svežu i zdraviju kožu.

Ovo su neki od mojih proizvoda koji me spašavaju tokom zime, koji su vaši?
Do sledećeg posta, xoxo


  1. I can't live without hand cream in the colder months. At the moment I'm using Sephora's Chocolate hand cream, it smells amazing!

  2. Reve de Miel is a life saver! I would really love to try these L'Occitane products!


    1. I know, it's sooo good! You should they are amazing! xoxo

  3. Such great tips! My hands also get so dry in the cold months. The scrub sounds amazing, I haven't ever heard anything like this - so ill have to give it a try. I always find that my e45 does the trick, but I definitely want to try something new too.

    - www.veebzboo.com
    - www.youtube.com/veebzboo

  4. Love the macademia oil products I use this myself.
    Gemma xx
