Thursday, 27 August 2015

August makeup bag

Since August is coming to an end it is time to present you my makeup bag of the month. In August I've not been wearing much makeup, so I only have few favourites.
S obzirom da nam se približava kraj leta, htela sam da vam pokažem koje proizvode sam koristila tokom avgusta. Posto su temperature bile sumanuto visoke nisam nosila mnogo šminke, te nemam previse favorita.

For my base I've used Bourjois CC Cream,  which gives me nice coverage, feels light on the skin, and it has SPF 15. To highlight area under my eyes I loved Max Factor Eye Luminizer- it provides decent amount of coverage for my dark circles, and also hydrates and brightens this area. To set all of this I used Bare Minerals Mineral Veil. It mattifies my skin but it still looks luminuous.
 For healthy bronze and glow to the skin I've used Charlotte Tilbury Filmstar Bronze and Glow.  I love the bronzer in this palette, it is perfect contour shade, and highlight is perfect for summer. I've kept my eye look quite simple, with my Bourjois Mega Liner Ultra Black, and with Max Factor 2000 Calorie mascara. I love this mascara since it gives me nice volume and it does not transfer.
For lips, I've pretty much used my perfect nude combo all month long. I start by lining my lips with Charlotte Tilbury Lip liner in Pillow talk, then I apply Mac Creme d'nude  lipstick, and finish everything with Mac Dazzleglass in Sugarrimmed.
What are your favorites of August?
Until next post,

Za bazu sam koristila Bourjois CC kremu, koja je vrlo lagana, daje srednju pokrivenost, i u sebi ima zaštitu od sunca 15. Ispod očiju sam koristila Max Factor Eye Luminizer, koji pokriva nepravilnosti, tamne krugove, i pritom pruža hidrirataciju. Proizvod koji sam koristila da sve ovo "drži" na koži ceo dan je Bare Minerals Mineral Veil. On matira kožu odlično i daje joj zdav izgled. Za bronzer i hajlajt obožavam ovu divnu Charlotte Tilbury Filmstar Broze and Glow paletu. Bronzer je savršene nijanse za konturisanje, a hajlajt je stvoren za leto. Na oči sam stavljala samo dva proizvoda, sa Bourjois Mega Linerom sam pravila cat eye, a maskara koju sam koristila je Max Factor 2000 Calorie. Ona daje odličan volumen i traje dugo bez razmazivanja. Na ustima sam skoro sve vreme nosila ovu nude kombinaciju- Charlotte Tilbury Lip liner u boji Pillow Talk, zatim sam koristila Mac-ov karmin u boji Creme d'nude i na kraju sam stavljala Mac-ov sjaj za usta Dazzleglass u boji Sugarrimmed.
Koji su vaši favoriti za mesec avgust?
Do sledećeg posta,

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