Monday, 17 August 2015

Top 5 Bourjois products

Bourjois is my favorite drugstore brand, so I decided to choose my top 5 products and share them with you. Bourjois is a French company that was originally launched in 1863, and it continues to make makeup, and today it is owned by Chanel. Here are some of my favorites:

Bourjois je jedan od mojih omiljenih brendova, te sam odlučila da sa vama podelim neke od mojih omiljenih proizvoda. Bourjois je francuska kompanija koja potiče iz 1863. godine, a danas je pod vlasništvom Chanela. Ovo su neki od mojih omiljenih proizvoda:

1.  Healthy Mix Serum Foundation is Bourjois best known foundation. It gives you medium coverage, but you can build it up to semi-full coverage. What it so special about this foundation is that it gives you radiance boost and since it is gel like formula it blends like a dream. Lasting power is up to 7 hours on me. I adore this foundation and I've been repurchasing it for years.

Healthy Mix Serum Foundation- ovo je verovatno njihov najpoznatiji tečni puder. Daje srednju pokrivenost, ali na licu izgleda vrlo prirodno i daje zdrav izgled koži. Formula ovog pudera je kao gel te se lako razmazuje. Na meni traje oko 7 sati, i mislim da je odličan za sve tipove kože. Ovo je jedan od mojih omiljenih tečnih pudera i koristim ga godinama.

2. Healthy Balance Unifying Powder goes great with the Healthy Serum foundation, but also works amazing with every other foundation. It is my favorite mattifying powder and it beats all high end ones. It keeps me matt up to 7 hours, and it doesn't cake on the face. It glides on the skin and somehow leaves your skin with radiance but matt at the same time. 

Healthy Balance Unifying Powder- ovaj puder u kamenu je moj omiljeni puder za matiranje, i bolji je od svih skupljih koje sam probala. Ostavlja moju kožu mat do 7 sati i ne pomera se na licu. Vrlo lako se nanosi preko bilo kog tečnog pudera i daje vam blagi sjaj i koža izgleda vrlo zdravo.

3. Liner Pinceau Eyeliner- I've been searching for perfect liquid eyeliner for the longest time, and this Bourjois one is the one. The brush is pointy so it is very precise and you can create perfect cat eye with it. The best thing about it is that it lasts for ages and does not transfer or budge at all. I've already finished this one and I'll repurchase it for sure.

Liner Pinceau Eyeliner- tražila sam savršeni tečni ajlajner godinama, i ovaj Bourjois je najbolji od svih koje sam probala. Njegova četkica je veoma precizna i lako možete da napravite cat eye. On je jedini ajlajner koij sam probala, a da se ne pomera sa očiju po ceo dan. Ovo pakovanje sam već potrošila, te ću brzo morati da nabavim novi.

4. Delice de Poudre- this bronzer is first Bourjois product I've bought. It is very nice warm bronzer with flecks of gold. It smells like chocolate and the packaging is very cute. It blends easy and stays on the skin all day long.

Delice de Poudre- ovaj bronzer je prva stvar koju sam kupila od Bourjois. Pakovanje i miris ovog proizvoda su me privukli da baš njega kupim. Veoma lep bronzer, sa gotovo neprimetnim zlatnim česticama u njemu, lako se blenduje i miriše kao čokolada.

5. Bronzing primer- Bourjois knows their bronzers. This product is a creamy bronzer and it can be used as a primer or as a bronzer. Also you can use is under and on the top of foundation. It blends easily, and   smells like chocolate. It glides on to the skin leaving it smooth, and with a natural tan. This is a great dupe for  famous Soleil tan de Chanel.

Bronzing primer- ovaj proizvod još nije stigao na naše tržište, te ako se nađete u prilici da ga kupite negde u inostranstvu od srca ga preporučujem. Može se koristiti kao prajmer i kao bronzer, takođe možete ga stavljati pre i posle pudera. Vrlo lako se blenduje i miriše kao čokolada. Daje vam prirodni "pocrneli" ten i izgleda prirodno na koži. Ovo je odlična jeftinija verzija Soleil tan de Chanel-a.

Have you tried something from Bourjois?

Until next post,

Da li set vi probali neke proizvode od Bourjois-a?

Do sledećeg posta,


  1. I love the chocolate bronzer its so natural looking! great post!
