Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Body oils

All year around, especially during the summer, I prefer using body oils. Unlike body creams, lotions, butters and milks, which leave my skin feeling "sticky", body oils gives me smooth, silky and radiant skin. I love using them after I've been exposed to sun, since they prevent skin from peeling, and they prolong my summer tan. Not only you can use them on your skin, they are great for your hair as well.
Some of my favorites are:

Tokom cele godine, a posebno preko leta, preferiram da koristim ulja za telo. Naspram raznoraznih krema,putera i mleka za telo koji mi daju osećaj lepljivosti na koži, ulja ostavljaju svilenkasti osećaj, i daju koži lep sjaj, a posebno su korisna posle sunčanja, jer sprečavaju ljuštenje kože i produžavaju trajanje tena. Još jedna prednost ulja jeste to što se mogu koristiti ne samo na telu već i na kosi.
Neki od mojih favorita su:

1. L'occitane Huille Fabuleuse - I love L'occitane and every product that I've used by this brand is great. Whole Shea butter collection is great, especially for dry skin. One of my favorite products from this collection, beside their amazing hand creme, is this oil. It contains 5% of shea butter, so it moisturizes the skin beautifully, leaves it soft, and it has nice scent to it.

Generalno obožavam L'occitane i sve njihove proizvode koje sam probala. Cela linija koja sadrži šea puter je odlična, a ovo ulje pored njihove kreme za ruke, mi je jedan od omiljenih proizvoda. Ulje sadrži 5% šea putera, hidrira kožu, ostavlja je mekanom i ima prijatan miris. Kod nas se L'occitane nalazi u Ušću i radnja je prelepa, te vam od srca preporučujem da je posetite.

2. The Body Shop Brazil Nut Beautifying Oil -  This oil is definitely the best smelling one. It has a sweet scent, reminds me of caramelized nuts. I mostly use it for the hair, but it is also very nice for the body.

Ovo suvo ulje ubedljivo ima najlepši miris od svih navedenih. Njega sam najviše koristila za kosu, upravo zbog mirisa, ali je i odličan za telo.

3. NUXE Huile Prodigieuse - This was one of the first NUXE products I've tried, since it is their most popular product. It is dry oil made using 6 precious oils- Macadamia, Hazelnut, Borage, Sweet Almond, Camelia and St. Jonh's Wort. I am not the biggest fan of the scent, but the product itself is actually very good, so I do not mind it. It leaves skin super soft and silky, and the bottle is beautiful. Beside this product, I recommend you try their Reve de Miel lip balm, which is the best.

 NUXE je francuska marka za koju sam ne tako davno saznala, i prva stvar koju sam kupila bilo je upravo ovo ulje za telo, kosu i lice. Ovo ulje je njihov najpoznatiji, kultni proizvod, sa specifičnim mirisom. Lično, nisam veliki fan ovog mirisa, ali mi ne smeta preterano, jer je sam proizvod odličan. Ovaj odabir je mešavina 6 ulja (makadamia, lešnik, kamilica, kantarion, slatki badem i bouracche). Ovo ulje ostavlja kožu najmekšom, a i pakovanje je najlepše. Kod nas je NUXE skoro stigao i može se naći u Lilly parfimerijama. Ako se budete našli u prilici da probate nešto od ovog brenda, pored ovog, preporučujem i NUXE Reve de Miel, koji je najbolji balzam za usta koji sam ikada probala.

4. NUXE Huile Prodigieuse OR - This is basically the same product, but this one has golden sheen to it, so it looks beautiful on the skin and in photos. This is great for summer, and summer holiday, since it gives you that golden goddess look.  

Ovo ulje je varijacija na temu prethodnog proizvoda. Identična stvar, ali sa dodatim zlatom, tj sa zlatnim česticama. Ovo mi je omiljeno ulje za leto, i letovanje, jer na koži ostavlja prelepi zlatni odsjaj i divno izgleda na slikama.

Do you love body oils, and what are your favorite ones?

Until next post,

Da li se vama sviđaju ulja za telo, i koja?
Do sledećeg posta,


  1. Yep, I also love using body oils!
    Especially now, I have to use it more often to moisturize my belly and to avoid itching.

    Hope you're having a lovely day!

    Jhem |

  2. I know, they are great!

    Have a nice day! xoxo
