Friday, 9 October 2015

My Must Haves for Fall

Even though many people don't like fall time and beginning of new school year, I've always loved this time of the year. I love layering clothes, scarfs, jackets, sweaters, hats, and for beauty I adore that we start to wear dark lipsticks, eyeshadows, and nail polish. Here are some of my picks for fall:

Iako mnogi ne vole jesen i početak nove školske godine, ja sam oduvek obožavala ovu sezonu. Tokom jeseni počinjemo slojevito  da se oblačimo, tu su marame, jakne, džemperi, šeširi, a što se tiče šminke na red dolaze tamniji karmini, senke i lakovi za nokte. Ovo su neke od mojih omiljenih stvari za jesenje doba:

My favorite piece of clothing is for sure the leather jacket, this one on the picture I've had for years, and I wear it basically with everything. You can dress it up and down, I love adding an interesting scarf and pairing it with leather  boots. Hat is my favorite accessory, you can add it to an outfit to spice it up and it makes the whole outfit look put together.
For eyeshadow, I've been using this Maybelline color tattoo in Metallic Pomegrenate ,which is this gorgeous burnt orange color. I just blend it with my fingers, add mascara and I'm done.
Nars Madly blush is my fav autumn blush, it is warm peachy-beige color and I sometimes use it as a bronzer since it gives warmth to the skin. 
And finally for the lips I chose this famous Mac lipstick in color Rebel. It is mid plum color and since it is satin finish it so easy to apply and is not drying at all. 
For nail polish I love this Essie shade in Bordeaux, which is deep burgundy-wine color , peeeerfect for fall and winter. 

Što se tiče odeće, moja omiljena stvar je kožna jakna, ovu na slici imam već nekoliko godina, i stalno je nosim. Kožne jakne idu uz bukvalno sve što obučete, obožavam da je nosim sa nekom zanimljivom maramom i kožnim čizmama. Šeširi su odličan detalj koji volim da dodam autfitu i on može potpuno da promeni ceo izgled odevne kombinacije. Ovaj šešir sam kupila kod nas, u pitanju je MM Couture i imaju sjajne modele šešira.
Što se tiče šminke za senku sam izabrala ovu prelepu crvenkasto-braon boju od Maybellina. U pitanju je color tattoo senka u boji Metallic Pomegrenate, koja je kremaste formule i stoji na očima ceo dan. Ja je izblendujem prstima, stavim maskaru i to je sve. Za rumenilo sam izabrala ovo prelepo Nars Madly, koje je bež/breskva boje, i često ga koristim kao bronzer jer ima toplu notu u sebi i daje prirodan bronzani izgled licu.
Za karmin ovaj put sam se odlučila za Mac Rebel karmin koji je ljubičasto-šljiva boje i savršen je za jesen.
Tokom jeseni i zime nosim uglavnom nijanse kao što je ova Essie Bordeaux boja, tamno vino, bordo boja, savršena za ovu sezonu.

What are yours must have items for fall?
Until next post, 

Koje su vaše omiljene stvari koje koristite tokom jeseni?
Do sledećeg posta,

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